For more info on the CFR, I also highly recommend my dear friend Richard Poe's article, which focuses on its secret origins in the British Round Table Movement: https://richardpoe.substack.com/p/how-the-british-sold-globalism-to

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Great advice 👍

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Thank you!

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Ordered the book! I need to learn more about US money between Andrew Jackson and 1913

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You'll find some helpful resources in this previous article: https://noorbinladin.substack.com/p/a-researchers-guide-to-central-banking

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Thanks for the recommendations and for being a voice of reason during these crazy times.

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I love the Title of your motivating Substack! Says it all!

I agree with Bruno B, great interview on Coffee and a Mike.

Stay in the heart of love and in peace, stay frosty.

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Merci Flo :) <3

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Thank you for all the eye-opening information.

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I would just like to say think you for this!! You are amazing. I'm very glad you are here!!

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Thank you Ben! And thank you for being here too!

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You're very welcome! Glad to be here!

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Thank you Noore, just ordered the book!

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Indeed, "our God is a jealous God," (not jealous in a human sense but in the sense that His Law requires that we are obedient to it or face our own self destruction.)

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Another solid piece.

Thank you for sharing this.

I like what you said about keeping calm during observing all the madness going on in the world. It seems that the news cycle is literally moving on hyper drive given the fact that today is August 5th and the stock market tanked today, the war between Iran and Israel is really expanding, and Great Britain is literally breaking out into a civil war.

All of this has happened in a matter of about 8 or 9 days since you published this article. We must all focus on our faith and back that up with our actions by supporting one another and getting behind anti-Administrative State Media (ASM) platforms such as this one, aligning our dollars with businesses that support America First, etc.

We ALL must be armed with knowledge, resources, and connect with awesome Patriots such as yourself. I know you don't live here, but you're more of a U.S. patriot than ANYONE in this current communist regime that occupies the White House.

We will keep hammering away to subvert the subversion and annihilate these global communist/fascists that have infected all the governments of Western civilization because we have no other choice.

Thank you for all that you do Noor. You have a strong supporter here in the state of Georgia, United States.

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Noor, there are too many Muslims here in Portugal. I told some Muslim "friends" they are lucky we're not in the Medieval Era or I'd be another El Cid and take the Umayadd Caliph's relative as concubine. They got mad. Can you reply saying I'm right? They'll be so pissed that Osama's nephew said so lol.

I freakin love women even if I'm a Catholic, after all if you have a child that's a small sin so that's why the Church always didn't care when noblemen were fathering so many children. Sadly, we can't have heroes anymore. Power is too centralized and anonymous, there's no more self-reliance anywhere, like before mass urbanization.

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