Appreciate this, I’ve been calling out Bill Gates and his dead father’s connections to the Rockefeller cartel for a very long time. From planned Parenthood to deadly experiments in Africa. Bill Gates is a monster!

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You will likely appreciate this podcast on the Authority Deception:


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Thank you, Noor! I look forward to watching this documentary. Thanks for all your hard work and research to help wake up the normies! I wear a “tin foil hat” with pride!

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Shared on all of my platforms. Will be watching the 2 hour documentary, thanks for it! The cartoon version quite accurate.

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If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was jockeying to take on the coveted Luciferian role of the AntiChrist one world ruler — especially since Kill Bill seems so adept at promoting himself as an “angel of light” 👿🤔

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Thank you so much for this documentary. How do I share this film with others? I didn’t see a share button.

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“The notion of the First Amendment” says it all.

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On the money as always. Keep pushing.

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He is a lying sociopathic treasonous criminal!

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An evil man who hates America

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A rapist. Ask Epstein opps forgot they had him killed! Is Maxwell still around. I’m sure she knows!

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Bill Gates, Fauci, and George Soros must be removed to Gutabino Bay for indefinite questioning

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Detox like your life depends on it because it does. Find out how here in my podcast on the subject:


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