Thank you, Noor! I look forward to watching this documentary. Thanks for all your hard work and research to help wake up the normies! I wear a “tin foil hat” with pride!

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Appreciate this, I’ve been calling out Bill Gates and his dead father’s connections to the Rockefeller cartel for a very long time. From planned Parenthood to deadly experiments in Africa. Bill Gates is a monster!

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You will likely appreciate this podcast on the Authority Deception:


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Engineers who came up in the 70s and 80s are generally familiar with Bill Gates as an MIT dropout and thief of public domain intellectual property. His millionaire mother, Mary Gates, was on the board of directors for IBM when the search for an operating system for the then under development IBM PC was underway. Bill essentially copyrighted MIT freeware as his own proprietary brand simply by moving it to a paper tape medium. His mother the lawyer created Microsoft as a way to license the DOS operating system (formerly freeware CPM) to IBM rather than sell it outright. That single business move sealed IBM’s decline into oblivion and crowned Gates as the world’s first Big Tech oligarch. He actually knew as little about computer operating systems as he knows about vaccines.

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The story on Gates and his mother comes from a book titled “Big Blue: An Unauthorized History of IBM.” I checked it out if the public library, but i can no longer find it in the catalog.

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Thank you.💡

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Shared on all of my platforms. Will be watching the 2 hour documentary, thanks for it! The cartoon version quite accurate.

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A filthy sociopath killer!

Publicly hang this MUTHRFUCR NOW!

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On the money as always. Keep pushing.

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Bill Gates a psychopath who feels to fix the world’s problems is to reduce the population by vaccine

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“The notion of the First Amendment” says it all.

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He is a murdering, psychopath, eugenecist, Aryan Mafia gangster. A thief, a liar, a manipulative maniac with no empathy and full of hate for Homo Sapiens.

Let me know if you want me to qualify any of that.

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Quit appropriately stated…. I would add that the services of John Wick are long overdue….

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A very bad guy. For those that like books you can learn all you need to know about Bill Gates by reading “The Real Anthony Fauci”.

You will find the real Bill Gates there as well.

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Noor is the best. Watched her many times. Clear. Concise. Thoughtful but powerful and always direct. Thanks for your WEF reporting with Mel K.

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The internet is mostly fake and warping people's minds, find out how in my podcast here:


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If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was jockeying to take on the coveted Luciferian role of the AntiChrist one world ruler — especially since Kill Bill seems so adept at promoting himself as an “angel of light” 👿🤔

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Thank you so much for this documentary. How do I share this film with others? I didn’t see a share button.

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