On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, I joined the great Natalie Winters on Stephen K. Bannon’s War Room to discuss Bill Gates, his psychopathic agenda, and Netflix’s latest PR series entitled “What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates”.
Here is our full segment (10min):
As I mentioned, there is so much to be said about Bill Gates and all of his nefarious activities.
While we only had time to cover his role in pushing digital IDs and digital global governance, there are a myriad of other projects Gates is driving, each more sinister than the next.
And while Netflix is in overdrive to spin Gates as a benefactor for humanity, he is in fact the very opposite.
If I had to share a single, definitive rebuttal to this fake altruist narrative, it would be James Corbett’s outstanding 4-part documentary “Who is Bill Gates?”.
Incredibly well sourced (like all of Corbett’s work), this exposé covers Gates’ background, Rockefeller family ties, eugenicist influences, his transformation from software villain to worshipped philanthropist, his monopoly on global health and the “vaccines” industry; his key role in building out the “population control grid”, his transhumanist ambitions, and his relationship with Jeffery Epstein.
Whether you are familiar with any of this information or not, I encourage you to watch these episodes, and share them far and wide, especially with your normie friends who are still under the MSM spell.
Here is the full documentary, comprising the four videos back to back (2hrs):

Of course, if you propagate the indisputable facts laid out in Corbett’s documentary, you will be branded as a “conspiracy theorist” peddling “disinformation” and “misinformation”. To further discredit you, they will also lump you in with pushers of the reptilian alien theory (as per Netflix’s trailer) –– a tried and tested tactic over the years to quell any form of criticism and make us all look crazy.
Funnily enough, if I had to answer the question “Who is Bill Gates” in ten words or less, I’d say the clip below pretty much fits the bill…
All joking aside, Bill Gates represents an existential threat to our liberties.
Like every globalist, Gates is pro-censorship, and uses any pretext to justify encroaching on the First Amendment, from “climate change” denialism to “vaccine” hesitancy.
In this recent interview with CNET, Gates invoked AI-related dangers as a reason to crack down on speech and end online anonymity (1min):
Obviously, Bill Gates, like others of his ilk, doesn’t want us “conspiracy theorists” to speak about the real agenda behind his projects, nor about his dark connections.
Things would be so much simpler if they were up front about their plans… (4min):
With its forthcoming documentary “What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates”, Netflix aims to portray Bill Gates as a great moral authority whose vision of the future we must follow.
He is anything but, and as I said on War Room, this man should have nothing to do with our future.
The future does not belong to globalists.
And, hopefully, “what’s next” for Bill Gates will be a prison cell.
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Thank you, Noor! I look forward to watching this documentary. Thanks for all your hard work and research to help wake up the normies! I wear a “tin foil hat” with pride!
Appreciate this, I’ve been calling out Bill Gates and his dead father’s connections to the Rockefeller cartel for a very long time. From planned Parenthood to deadly experiments in Africa. Bill Gates is a monster!