Ah Switzerland, the neutral country of chocolate, Rolex watches, yodelling.... and home of the Red Cross that gave Nazis fleeing a defeated Germany in WW2 refugee passports so they could travel 1st class by rail to Rome to be wined and dined by the Vatican until they steamed their way to Uruguay or Argentina. The same neutral country that took possession, for safe keeping of course, of looted art and money during WW2, ye know, to make sure the rightful owners could lay claim to it if they survived. The same neutral country that made money laundering an art form...... keep safe Noor is all I can say. Over here in Canada we are rapidly heading in the same direction.

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I'm not familiar with the specific cited cases. I’m aware that Switzerland certainly "helped" Nazis in various ways. But didn't they provide aid to Jews and others as well? Maybe they didn't welcome refugees with open arms, but unless I'm mistaken they did admit some asylum-seekers. Distasteful though it is, it's likely the case that Nazi gold from dubious sources was accepted. But wasn’t the refugees' gold also allowed in banks? But here's a crucial point: Switzerland was NEUTRAL (note the past tense.) "Neutral" means that one doesn't take sides, especially in affairs outside one's own nation. Now, I agree a good argument could be made that Switzerland should have refused the Nazis any favors, etc. But by definition that’d imply loss of neutrality. And to welcome refugees unconditionally imposes costs on the accepting nation – whether they are Jews fleeing the ovens in 1940s Europe or third-world economic migrants today. I realize my opinion here won’t be popular. I could even be called an “anti-Semite.” Have you ever noticed it’s nearly impossible to be noncommittal on that issue? If one is not enthusiastically in support of the Jews, one is labeled their opponent. On this one issue, apparently, it’s impossible to remain aloof. Switzerland, alas, is a perfect example of a nation that enjoyed centuries of neutrality, freedom from war, one of the highest standards of living in the world. Yet only in the past few decades it’s caved to various international pressures, such as to the US in weakening its banking privacy laws. Sweden and Findland have joined NATO*. Switzerland should too. Might as well join the EU while you’re at it. Switzerland’s crackdown on “hate speech” is just one more signpost on the road to feudalism, rule by technocracy, world government, call it what you like. Your freedoms are disappearing. And worst of all, they weren’t taken from you by force. Oh no. You willingly gave them away. Alas, fair Switzerland, I fear you are lost. But who knows, maybe trading away your centuries-old freedoms that once were the envy of the rest of the world will turn out for the best. At least you’ll still be allowed to export chocolate and cuckoo clocks to the “progressive” nations whose will you bowed to.

*Sweden too has thrown away a long tradition of neutrality.

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Found this commentary at RT. If the claims here are correct then my prior analysis was spot on. Switzerland has thrown away it's 500-year-old neutrality and gone "all in" with the West. Who would have ever suspected that the billionaires that meet in their secret lairs in the Alps would eventually take over the whole host country? But for all practical purposes they have. CH have chosen one side in a bar fight, or perhaps a future war? You decide to get into conflicts that had nothing to do with you, you may pay a fearsome price no matter whether you chose the winning or losing side.


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Yes, RT is spot on. Our government (not democratically elected) is betraying its people and our nation. They're just puppets, executing the orders from the USA/EU/NATO. This latest report is a total shame.

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You all in Canaduh are already there methinks.....

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Yes. My father “escaped” with the kinder transport via the Swiss Red Cross from Vienna. His “savior” was Dr. Siegfried. Google him. Molested him. Had lost a previous job due to accusations of child sex offending. Eugenicist. Took yenish children away from their parents and forced sterilized Gypsies. Nice upstanding Swiss citizen! Google Swiss reparations to jenische.

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Add to that the gold that was taken from mouths of exterminated Jews….currently hidden deep in the vaults of Swiss banks - for certain in the UBS!!

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That nonsense and slander designed by smallhats to try and force swiss taxpayers to fund more "reparations" payments.

It is and has always been a hoax with zero evidence on either the german or swiss sides of the border.

The people who repeat it knowing full well there is no evidence are usually tribe members with an ulterior motive.

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This has turned into a metastasis cancer.

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You are spot on

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Thanks for the shoutout, Noor! Very appreciated.

Should anyone be interested in following my case, I'm documenting it on Telegram here (mostly in German though):

- https://t.me/Art261bis_DGNRES

Or on this Twitter/X Thread:

- https://twitter.com/barbouillech/status/1707767357911839014

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It honestly took me a few seconds to realize that the video of the teacher wasn't satire. Thank you for speaking out, Noor. Things are moving so quickly, I have a hard enough time keeping up with what's going on in my own country and wasn't aware of these cases in Swizerland.

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Ha! I’m Austrian. I will instantly put out a similar post insulting the authorities. Good luck to them pursuing me!! Or finding me. Awesome!!

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This is likely much bigger than the isolated persecution. Extend the logic a bit and find the real plan. 1) create unconstitutional laws regarding hate speech that can’t possibly be defined. 2) prosecute a few people for it and get away with it. 3) use those prosecutions as precedent to go after Tech platforms that don’t actively control their sites for ‘hate’ speech. 4) embed speech emissaries into the tech platforms. 5) own the free media just like you own the rest of it.

They know what they are doing, and it is slowly boiling the free speech frog. There is only one solution, and it is to inundate them with so much ‘hate’ speech that they can’t react to all of it. Some famous dude once said ‘When they go low, we go lower’. We are in a fourth turning, and there is no telling how this all comes out. What a great time to be alive.

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I did an Orwell boot meme like that a few years ago... :-)


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No way that’s awesome! Great photoshop skills :)) I used copy/paste on preview to do mine cause I don’t know how to use PS 🙈

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It's one of my older ones, I think I'm more skilled now. I started messing around with MS Paint & now Paint-Net, which are easy to use. You could do much more professional work with GIMP, but I find it difficult to use, and Photoshop can be costly....

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I modified Orwell's famous statement as follows. In the real dystopia it will be a bare foot stamping on your face forever, because even military boots are out of stock and the factory doesn't know when more will be made.

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Especially when it's your own brother who doxxes and denounces you to the authorities...

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never had it....DoD and DAARPA and NSA helped create the NetworkGrid Net..AND HAVE NEVER LEFT

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If you are a Bible scholar, you might be familiar with “the sin of Sodom”, mentioned in Ezekiel, ““ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭16‬:‭49‬ NIV. Arrogance and pride allow the degenerates to impose their ways and attitudes on the rest of society as “correct”.

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I wonder if one could say 'Men are pigs'...this would seem to me to be exactly similar to what your friend said. This is getting ridiculous.

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The thing is that "men" aren't a so-called "protected minority" as defined by that &#$@& law article. It's one-way free speech.

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I just took a second look at the criminal complaint against Barbouille, and noticed that the Staatsanwaltschaft of Limmattal/Albis consistently referred to "LGBTI people," when any schoolchild should be able to tell you this list is incomplete. What about the Q people? the P people? the A people? the B people? the 2S people? the NB people? This lack of inclusion almost feels like a form of discrimination to me.

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Maybe I should file a complaint against him? 😉

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All about one word government and controlling the masses.

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I thought Switzerland was “perfect”. Thank you for this learning experience.

This is why geopolitics is so damn important!

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Under a thin layer of (pseudo)democracy, free speech and "our values", Switzerland isn't better than the rest. Maybe even worse in many ways. But most people don't realize. Better said: They don't want to realize.

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after seeing the Cern debaucle, and the Olympics, I wondered what is this....charade, run by the UN-WEF? yes must be on drugs as islamists to do the unconscionable acts...surely there are some warriors standing with God at the gates and have not sold out...perhaps being still as Watchmen on the Wall. Read Robert Spencers books and new one comes this week.

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Things are dark, and getting darker fast, but THE plan is in place and the world will see a new dawn, in time.

NCSWIC, and it will be glorious. Stay vigilant people. It’s about to get really dark, but it’s for the best .

Sending love and luck to you all from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️.

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Switzerland now seems to copy all the worst developments that happen in neighbouring Germany after a while.

I lost my faith in and admiration for it and its people, when they actually voted FOR and approved their own emasculation and enslavement in November 2021. Wilhelm Tell surely rolled in his grave that day, screaming to be reburied in another country.

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