Whar we take home from this narrative is that, if we have been publicly outspoken about any globalist activity, or have decried the actions of their apostles and shills, then our names will be entered into a list and, when it is decreed that free speech is no longer accceptable to the establishment, they will come for us. Let there be no confusion here, either the globalists are soundly defeated and all their supporters dealt with in terms of the crimes thay have committed, and these are legion, or we will certainly be arrested, never to be released. This is the medievalism that has been contemplated for two centuries; a return to control over life and death, on a whim.

My advice to free speech activists and supporters of genuine democracy: make sure you have a well-resourced hideaway and are prepared to disappear, possibly forever. Am I being overreactive? As I see it, 99% of people have no idea how much preparation has gone into this global takeover. They are entirely unaware that they have been indoctrinated how to oppose this war in the most ineffective way possible. Everybody knows the power of "non-violent peaceful protest" because everybody saw how it worked for Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King; even though these were the creations of the City of London and the CFR/NED and CIA/FBI. Public conviction of the validity of the message was reinforced by Zionist Hollywood's two epic films on the same theme. If you don't think Zionists would be so ruthless, have a peek at dying babies in Gaza.

Worse, your arrests and incarceration will also be opposed with peaceful non-violent protest. Beautiful irony, made symetrical by our deaths, in due course, probably from a prison fight of attempting to escape. Creativity will not be important by then because any dissenters on the outside will find themselves in your empty cell.

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Agree with you. I made a podcast called tyranny catch 22, Do Nothing You Die, Do Something You May Die. Everyone has to make a choice abd live with the consequences.

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As far as I can calculate, D-day will come between October 2024 and December 2025. It's all a matter of being ready to disappear at the first whiff of trouble.

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The contradiction I wrestle with is that if all the good people walk away, Team Evil destroys everything and wins. Letting them get away with has been the problem. I suspect informed vigilantes will self-actuate soon and the situation will change rapidly. Their system of corruption is fragile and falling under their own weight. I agree to be personally prepared because only you can save yourself. Liberty means self-directed, self-made, and capable.

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You are part of a tiny club on this planet known as realists.

You are right and I perceive how this will come about. As we speak, Russia is moving across Syria towards Israel. Putin is now motivated to wipe out the White House, City of London, and Israel and this will end the immediate global war against humanity. but it will still leave the Zionists and other self-appointed elites to plot all over again, so it will be up to realists to rid the world of them once and for all. If we know who they are, restoration of peace and prosperity wil be swift.

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The great awakening will shake things up.

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Every American should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this and pretending it is normal. Psychopaths have taken over and they are caring less and less about pretending things are normal. They are lurching towards something, otherwise it would not be so obvious. Agenda 21 is for the 21st century, a hundred years. Why this awkward flailing around? Is the shadow part of the plan over and they are moving into overt tyranny?

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