For quite some time I have seen this coming and, apart from making some videos on Rumble, my reaction has been one of a 21st century Luddite. That is to say I do not possess a Facebook account, my once flourishing Youtube account lies dormant and my mobile phone can make calls, send SMS/MMS and very little else. I suspect my days of tech-avoidance are numbered, however, as life is becoming increasingly difficult to live without digitisation. Keep up the excellent work NBL.
Pretty sure we the people did not provide our leaders consent (consent of the governed) to make our government and our Nation the elite globalists' useful tools. The term traitorous, comes to mind.
The word "treason" needs to be used considerably more than it currently is. These are national politicians colluding with foreign-funded entities to change how sovereign countries are governed. That alone constitutes a serious problem.
Alas, the media is absolutely captured and has seized the minds of the midwits and the laptop class who enact these absurd ideas. They are largely on board and until their children are loaded onto cattle cars they will not be dissuaded of the majesty of the future plans of the Tony Blairs.
I too have spent a long time wondering what is going on and who could be crazy enough to think any of their ideas make any sense. They are like bad science fiction. It hasn't got me any closer to answers.
It is what it is. Instead of wondering about the rationale we should perhaps be thankful they are so open about their plans. They met at these events and then publish videos telling us what they intend to do.
Alas many are not critical thinkers. So most just go along with it, including our politicians.
Do not be afraid. Actual people won’t participate, and separate economies are and will continue to be created to bypass all this nonsense. Leave the cities as soon as you can.
One theme, Urbanization and Global Health Priorities could be a winner...if implemented by RFKJ/MAHA & President Trump/MAGA. Kennedy spent the last 30 years suing Monsanto for causing farmers and other applicators of Roundup/glyphosate to kill weeds. Changing the legacy that Michael Taylor left the FDA with in its GMO program is a priority that would definitely improve the health of Americans. The deep State/Beast will never allow that to happen when grooming health into the arms of Pharmacia is the tool leading us to the Mark of the Beast. The top 5 farm bill commodities are all GMO, meaning the end product has traces of Roundup/glyphosate, not good for health. That's where the chip comes in to monitor services doled out by government run healtcay. I'd much rather put my health in the hands of RFKJ doctors than Wuhan Fauci quacks.
There's more to GMO than just sugar, wheat, corn, rice and soybean/soil that's been modified to tolerate glyphosate spray. Glyphosate kills good bacteria in the gut when year after year we eat factory foods made from the top 5 farm bill commodities. That will never change less MAGA & MAHA Men are elected to slay the Beast of GMO/Monsanto, Roundup Ready crops.
This is what I wrote while Hussein Obama was President...
Forgive me if it reads kinda choppy, there's a few posts in there from different threads.
This may/will be the catalyst to single payer healthcare Obama 'is' looking for not to be wasted.
What I fear is the IRS/SS, Obamacare bureaucrats, the NSA and VISA using supercomputing and artificial intelligence to judge whether my BMI is outside requirements for healthcare services. Imagine one day you go into the 7-11 to purchase a Big Gulp and Tacqueedo and when you swipe your ATM card an information box pops up saying your BMI is to high for this junk food, pleez choose something healthier, fatso. It's not science fiction when the government is involved to make sure the taxpayer doesn't have to spend more on you than the next guy.
VISA can and will be made to cross reference product codes to healthy living. At the time of purchase, you could be left with only a water and salad to choose from should government and artificial intelligence have charge of approving purchases based on health requirements. That's what single payer will lead too in order to save the taxpayer money.
The technology is in place and the efficiency of the government corruption will 'evolve' to require (AI) Artificial Intelligence.
Obama's five-year plan was always single payer, government run healthcare. At some point healthcare will be the control method Marxism uses to control everything we do. The human element is slowly being removed from medicine with the use of data driven efficiency. How better to manage cost than by using AI? Equality in Obamacare redistribution is another selling point for the AI's cold decisions.
The Mark of the Beast will be in government management of healthcare.
The FCC acquired through executive order telephony, internet data and communication networks (Trump rescinded that EO). The NSA data farm in Utah has record information on all of us. Obamacare and the IRS/SS has the authority and money collection. All that’s missing is the one big fraud, hacking and identity theft trigger for Digital Angel to propose the Final Solution, the ‘chip’.
"GovTech" is a good enough term for that sector on its own, FAANG (or whatever acronym includes Tesla) and their Wall Street hangers-on. Stale 90s memes of muh private corporations and geeky benevolent geniuses still circulate when in fact Silicon Valley rodents idolize the security state and wish they could be jackbooted G Men, instead of their actual cat-video-optimizing jobs
Thank you Noor for covering the WGS event so important that we all can understand what these events are really about and the agendas that are being peddled.
For quite some time I have seen this coming and, apart from making some videos on Rumble, my reaction has been one of a 21st century Luddite. That is to say I do not possess a Facebook account, my once flourishing Youtube account lies dormant and my mobile phone can make calls, send SMS/MMS and very little else. I suspect my days of tech-avoidance are numbered, however, as life is becoming increasingly difficult to live without digitisation. Keep up the excellent work NBL.
Pretty sure we the people did not provide our leaders consent (consent of the governed) to make our government and our Nation the elite globalists' useful tools. The term traitorous, comes to mind.
The word "treason" needs to be used considerably more than it currently is. These are national politicians colluding with foreign-funded entities to change how sovereign countries are governed. That alone constitutes a serious problem.
Alas, the media is absolutely captured and has seized the minds of the midwits and the laptop class who enact these absurd ideas. They are largely on board and until their children are loaded onto cattle cars they will not be dissuaded of the majesty of the future plans of the Tony Blairs.
I too have spent a long time wondering what is going on and who could be crazy enough to think any of their ideas make any sense. They are like bad science fiction. It hasn't got me any closer to answers.
It is what it is. Instead of wondering about the rationale we should perhaps be thankful they are so open about their plans. They met at these events and then publish videos telling us what they intend to do.
Alas many are not critical thinkers. So most just go along with it, including our politicians.
Do not be afraid. Actual people won’t participate, and separate economies are and will continue to be created to bypass all this nonsense. Leave the cities as soon as you can.
No, real people are scared sheep and they will comply. Hunger is a primal motivation for cooperation.
One theme, Urbanization and Global Health Priorities could be a winner...if implemented by RFKJ/MAHA & President Trump/MAGA. Kennedy spent the last 30 years suing Monsanto for causing farmers and other applicators of Roundup/glyphosate to kill weeds. Changing the legacy that Michael Taylor left the FDA with in its GMO program is a priority that would definitely improve the health of Americans. The deep State/Beast will never allow that to happen when grooming health into the arms of Pharmacia is the tool leading us to the Mark of the Beast. The top 5 farm bill commodities are all GMO, meaning the end product has traces of Roundup/glyphosate, not good for health. That's where the chip comes in to monitor services doled out by government run healtcay. I'd much rather put my health in the hands of RFKJ doctors than Wuhan Fauci quacks.
There's more to GMO than just sugar, wheat, corn, rice and soybean/soil that's been modified to tolerate glyphosate spray. Glyphosate kills good bacteria in the gut when year after year we eat factory foods made from the top 5 farm bill commodities. That will never change less MAGA & MAHA Men are elected to slay the Beast of GMO/Monsanto, Roundup Ready crops.
This is what I wrote while Hussein Obama was President...
Forgive me if it reads kinda choppy, there's a few posts in there from different threads.
This may/will be the catalyst to single payer healthcare Obama 'is' looking for not to be wasted.
What I fear is the IRS/SS, Obamacare bureaucrats, the NSA and VISA using supercomputing and artificial intelligence to judge whether my BMI is outside requirements for healthcare services. Imagine one day you go into the 7-11 to purchase a Big Gulp and Tacqueedo and when you swipe your ATM card an information box pops up saying your BMI is to high for this junk food, pleez choose something healthier, fatso. It's not science fiction when the government is involved to make sure the taxpayer doesn't have to spend more on you than the next guy.
VISA can and will be made to cross reference product codes to healthy living. At the time of purchase, you could be left with only a water and salad to choose from should government and artificial intelligence have charge of approving purchases based on health requirements. That's what single payer will lead too in order to save the taxpayer money.
The technology is in place and the efficiency of the government corruption will 'evolve' to require (AI) Artificial Intelligence.
Obama's five-year plan was always single payer, government run healthcare. At some point healthcare will be the control method Marxism uses to control everything we do. The human element is slowly being removed from medicine with the use of data driven efficiency. How better to manage cost than by using AI? Equality in Obamacare redistribution is another selling point for the AI's cold decisions.
The Mark of the Beast will be in government management of healthcare.
The FCC acquired through executive order telephony, internet data and communication networks (Trump rescinded that EO). The NSA data farm in Utah has record information on all of us. Obamacare and the IRS/SS has the authority and money collection. All that’s missing is the one big fraud, hacking and identity theft trigger for Digital Angel to propose the Final Solution, the ‘chip’.
"GovTech" is a good enough term for that sector on its own, FAANG (or whatever acronym includes Tesla) and their Wall Street hangers-on. Stale 90s memes of muh private corporations and geeky benevolent geniuses still circulate when in fact Silicon Valley rodents idolize the security state and wish they could be jackbooted G Men, instead of their actual cat-video-optimizing jobs
All your database are belong to us . . .
Thank you Noor for covering the WGS event so important that we all can understand what these events are really about and the agendas that are being peddled.
We the People are Squandering Our Inheritance:
Great work Noor!!
Dump the smartphone...nothing but a government tracking device,
Might as well wear an ankle bracelet like criminals wear.
Very well thought through, and well written.
Another staged group