Pretty sure we the people did not provide our leaders consent (consent of the governed) to make our government and our Nation the elite globalists' useful tools. The term traitorous, comes to mind.

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The word "treason" needs to be used considerably more than it currently is. These are national politicians colluding with foreign-funded entities to change how sovereign countries are governed. That alone constitutes a serious problem.

Alas, the media is absolutely captured and has seized the minds of the midwits and the laptop class who enact these absurd ideas. They are largely on board and until their children are loaded onto cattle cars they will not be dissuaded of the majesty of the future plans of the Tony Blairs.

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It’s not clear to me that a Tony Blair is conscious of how this turns out. I think most of them are historically illiterate morons drunkenly riding the wave. And I don’t think pointing that out matters one whit because the site of the crash IS what’s depicted in this piece. I think I’ve been guilty of spending a little too much time trying to figure out the Who How and Why, when the better thing is to just say ‘yep, this here’s the What, it’s utterly unacceptable, so what can I do about it’.

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I too have spent a long time wondering what is going on and who could be crazy enough to think any of their ideas make any sense. They are like bad science fiction. It hasn't got me any closer to answers.

It is what it is. Instead of wondering about the rationale we should perhaps be thankful they are so open about their plans. They met at these events and then publish videos telling us what they intend to do.

Alas many are not critical thinkers. So most just go along with it, including our politicians.

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For quite some time I have seen this coming and, apart from making some videos on Rumble, my reaction has been one of a 21st century Luddite. That is to say I do not possess a Facebook account, my once flourishing Youtube account lies dormant and my mobile phone can make calls, send SMS/MMS and very little else. I suspect my days of tech-avoidance are numbered, however, as life is becoming increasingly difficult to live without digitisation. Keep up the excellent work NBL.

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Do not be afraid. Actual people won’t participate, and separate economies are and will continue to be created to bypass all this nonsense. Leave the cities as soon as you can.

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No, real people are scared sheep and they will comply. Hunger is a primal motivation for cooperation.

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"GovTech" is a good enough term for that sector on its own, FAANG (or whatever acronym includes Tesla) and their Wall Street hangers-on. Stale 90s memes of muh private corporations and geeky benevolent geniuses still circulate when in fact Silicon Valley rodents idolize the security state and wish they could be jackbooted G Men, instead of their actual cat-video-optimizing jobs

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If we let a few more in the club, it could become the FATTENING.

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All your database are belong to us . . .

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Thank you Noor for covering the WGS event so important that we all can understand what these events are really about and the agendas that are being peddled.

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I always want to ask this but haven’t shaped it up yet (eventually though). It takes sort of a double-agent mindset to consider: If I was going to do all this horrid shit to you, why would I go to such great lengths to tell you? So, I sometimes think about (mostly those of us in THIS forum) where they might logically seek to go or what they might logically seek to do, and then ask if that’s not exactly the sorts of movings and doings that all this is intended to bring about. I know, that’s awfully 5D, and it hinges on just how adept you believe our handlers to be at manipulating the cattle.

See? Still way too long and all around the point.

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Great work Noor!!

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Dump the smartphone...nothing but a government tracking device,

Might as well wear an ankle bracelet like criminals wear.

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Very well thought through, and well written.

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Another staged group

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