Dear Readers,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, my “offline life” having taken over the past month. I’ve had to cut back a bit to focus on pressing activities IRL, which will hopefully slow down by the end of the year.
That being said, I’ve appeared on Stephen K. Bannon’s War Room regularly and maintained an eye on things, notably the upcoming elections and worldwide events. I watched in as horror Hurricane Helene tore through several states, and shocked (yet unsurprised) by the Federal Government’s abysmal response. If it wasn’t clear enough already, they hate you, and are more “concerned” about laundering money overseas than providing relief to the people they purport to serve. War and the sickening death toll continue to escalate in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. People continue to be further entrenched on either side of various fences, by design. The psyops never end.
As always, I also try to keep track of developments in my own backyard of Geneva, and more specifically at the World Health Organization headquarters.
What is happening with the so-called “pandemic agreement”? What is their schedule? When can we expect the WHO to publish a revised version?
To answer these questions and give you a general update, James Roguski and I jumped on a 30min call earlier this week:
In the meantime, the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) released its provisional agenda for their 12th meeting, as reported by James:
The INB12 meeting is set to take place from November 4-15, 2024.
James and I will be recording another update for you following these negotiations.
Until then, I encourage all of you to follow James’ lead, and as mentioned towards the end of our latest conversation, to heed his call to voice your “informed dissent”.
A call which Robin Monotti answered in video format, as reported by The Exposé:
“I object to the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement. Medicine should only be carried out between doctor and patient and subject to the specificities of both. It’s bad enough when governments start to dictate generic medicine. Even worse when transnational bodies which are under the control of oligarchs, like the WHO, get to dictate what is and isn’t a medical emergency and mandate generic solutions rather than patient-specific approaches, which may even be: do nothing different and ignore the fearmongering!”
In their article, The Exposé also linked to our podcast with James, and gave a recap on the status of WHO’s pandemic agreement.
It’s quite simple: aided by this agreement, the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC) will stop at nothing to repeat their poisonous racket, unless we stop them.
They got away with it on a mass scale the last round, we cannot let it happen again.
Share our message to alert those around you of the grave threat the PHEIC poses to humanity, and, more importantly, voice and share your own informed dissent far and wide.
Until next time,
Stay safe and sane, and if you are so inclined, pray.
The Author certifies this article is one hundred percent human made and that no AI was used to produce this article.
Hi Noor,
I started following you after seeing you on War Room, on Real America's Voice. The WHO, is basically the UN, and nothing associated with the UN can be trusted by free people. Science is the new "religion" trying to control secular humanity, or Western Civilization, the way the Church did hundreds of years ago. That is because most people, now, like they were hundreds of years ago, are basically ignorant about disease and medicine, and put blind trust into doctors and medical "experts". It's easier to get people to do what you want by lying to them about a disease, than to force them to do it with the barrel of a gun. But unlike hundreds of years ago, most people in Western Civilization have the worlds largest ever library at their fingertips, and just need to do the research to learn. Stay off of social media and use the internet for learning. At least then you have a pretty good idea of when the powers that be, are lying to you.
Thanks Nora for keeping us informed. We unequivocally CONDEMN AND REFUSE TO COMPLY EVERYTHING COMING FROM THE WHO.